Free Novel Read

The Wingman

  The Wingman

  Cathryn Fox



  1. Rider

  2. Jules

  3. Rider

  4. Jules

  5. Rider

  6. Jules

  7. Rider

  8. Jules

  9. Rider

  10. Jules

  11. Rider

  12. Jules

  13. Jules

  14. Rider

  15. Jules


  Single Dad Next Door

  About Cathryn

  Also by Cathryn Fox


  Copyright 2019 by Cathryn Fox

  Published by Cathryn Fox

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  ISBN: ebook 978-1-989374-07-8

  ISBN print: 978-1-989374-06-1



  From my bar stool in Nelly’s pub, I scoop my glass up from the long, oaken tabletop and hold it above my head in salute. “Here’s to kicking ass and taking numbers,” I say to my best friend, the man I call brother, despite the fact that our features are opposite in nearly every single way. Other than our height, and the fact that we both play in the NHL, Kane’s longish hair is sun-drenched blond, whereas mine is dark and cropped short. His deep blue eyes have a way of catching the attention of everyone around him. Mine however, with a hint of metal gray, have been compared to an overcast day and help me blend into the background. Being invisible saved my ass a time or two in foster care.

  “Here’s to coming in first in our division,” Kane says as he clinks glasses with me and jabs his thumb into his chest. “The Stanley Cup is coming home to Seattle with us this year, bro,” he adds and I swallow half the bubbly soda in one gulp and slam my glass onto the bar top with more force than necessary. The bartender gives me a sideways glance and I grin at him before wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I glance over my brother’s shoulder and take stock of the crowded bar. In the near distance, the shrill of a woman’s loud laugh swirls throughout the congested room and mingles with all the other blaring sounds.

  Perfume reaches my nose, and as I feed off the energy in the crowd, I let it fuel my blood. I might be the guy to stand back and blend in, but deep down, I’m a total thrill-seeker. Last October however, shortly after the NHL season began, any kind of noise would have sent me to a dark corner drooling like a damn baby. Christ, that concussion really did a number on me. But it wasn’t career-ending, and for that I’m grateful. Without hockey, I’m nothing.

  “Where the fuck are the rest of the guys?” Kane asks and gestures for another shot.

  I laugh but it has no humor. “It’s Thursday. Where the fuck do you think they are?” Christ, except for a handful of the guys, most on the team are married with kids, and those who live in Seattle are home snuggled in with their loved ones on this rainy Thursday night. The others are likely holed up in their hotel rooms skyping and babbling shit about missing home. A sound crawls out of my throat, a half laugh, half snort. It’s not that I’m jealous of their relationships, or anything. Nope, I’m a bachelor for life, and not fucking jealous at all.

  Or much, anyway.

  “Right. Pussies,” Kane says, his voice a bit slurred. A couple shots of rum will do that to a guy. We have a game in two days, and while Kane can put the booze back as well as the next guy, and still be on top of his game, for me…not so much. I’m not about to risk anything when it comes to hockey. It’s all or nothing for me. And I’ll only settle for all.

  I turn, lean against the bar, and scan the establishment a second time. “We have a live one,” I say when I catch sight of the pretty redhead coming from the hallway. She presses her lips together, smoothing her freshly applied color, and runs her hands through her thick, wavy hair. I’m good at reading body language, a must on the ice, and if those gestures aren’t a sign that she’s open for suggestions, I don’t know what is. “Two o’clock,” I say and Kane spins on his stool.

  “She’s gorgeous,” he says and I grin when his jaw drops.

  I nudge Kane with my shoulder. “Do I know how to pick them for you, or what?”

  “You sure you don’t want this one? I know you have a thing for redheads.”

  “Nah. I’m just going to finish my soda and head home. I have some shows to catch up on.”

  Kane shakes his head and I brace for the lecture. “Are you seriously still watching The Handmaid’s Tale?”

  “Shut the fuck up, and it wouldn’t hurt you to watch something other than sports once in a while.”

  “Man, you need to get laid more than I thought.” He finishes off his drink. “Go ahead. You take this one.”

  As the girl approaches, I push off the counter and step in front of her. “So I was thinking…” I begin, and she stops abruptly and stares at me with pretty green eyes.

  “About?” Her dark lashes fall slowly as her gaze pans the length of me. While she doesn’t yet know it, her leisurely inspection of my body is a waste of time. It’s not me she’s going home with tonight.

  “Well, I was thinking about asking for your number.” Before I continue, I cringe, and suck in air like I have something nasty on my tongue. “But I have this thing…”

  Her eyes narrow in on me. “You have a thing?” she asks, and the fact that she’s playing along lets me know she’s open to a hook-up.

  “Yeah, the doctors are calling it a third nipple.” I lower my voice and add, “For now, anyway.” Kane chuckles as the girl’s eyes widen. “More tests need to be done, of course.”

  She takes a small step backward, like she might catch what I have. “Ah, why are you telling me this?”

  I move to the side to make room for my bro, and right on cue, Kane stands. Her gaze shifts, and appreciatively takes in my brother. “Because this guy only has two nipples. You seem like a girl who would appreciate that, plus he told me you were the most beautiful woman in the room.”

  “He did?” A smile curls up the corners of her mouth, and I inch back even more, biting back my grin as the two begin talking.

  And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how to be a good wingman. Not that Kane really needs one, but we have fun playing the game.

  Since my job here is done, I plop back down onto my stool and let Kane work his magic. I hang for a bit until Kane pulls his car keys from his pocket and
hands them to me.

  “Get my car home, bro. We’re taking an Uber.”

  “You got it,” I say and finish my soda. I grin at my buddy. “Have fun.”

  “Take your own advice, why don’t you.” He stares at me for a moment, like he’s truly concerned about my well-being, and I wave my hand to shove him off. He opens his mouth and I snort, turning from him to let him know it’s not a conversation we’re having. Once he steps away, I angle my head and watch them walk from the bar. When he disappears outside, I pull my phone from my pocket and check the hour. Damn, I put that hook-up together in record time. I’m getting better and better at this shit, and if I hurry, I might be able to catch up on two episodes before I crash.

  I grab my glass, about to take my last sip of cola before I head out, when the sound of hands clapping reach my ears. I turn to find a girl nodding and applauding me.

  I grin at her. “You liked that, did you?” I ask, as I take in her clear skin, sharp brown eyes that are twinkling with amusement, and dark hair tied back in a ponytail. My gaze drops to her loose-fitting scrubs.

  “Yeah, well played. Does your charm only work on girls, or does it work on guys too?”

  I arch a brow and cock my head as my gaze moves over her make-up free face. Not that she needs paint. She has that whole girl-next-door thing going on and it really works for her. “You don’t strike me as the kind of girl looking for a hook-up.”

  She gives a very unladylike snort as I finish my last gulp of soda. “What?” She tugs on her hair. “Is it the ponytail, or the fact that I’m not showing my tits?”

  Her retort catches me off guard and I nearly choke on my drink as my gaze drops to her chest. “Uh, yeah,” I say, instantly liking her. The truth is, women approach me all the time, and while I seem to have an instant rapport with this one, and there’s an undeniable spark between us, she didn’t come over here to get me between her sheets and no way is she really looking for me to be her wingman. So, what does she want?

  She laughs at that. “At least you’re honest.” Dark eyes full of curiosity and playfulness narrow in on me, but behind those dark lashes I sense her cautiousness. “What else gave me away?”

  “You’re dressed in scrubs.”

  She shrugs. “I’m a nurse at Seattle General. I came here straight from work to meet a friend for drinks.”

  “You have freckles,” I say, that observation coming out of nowhere and catching her off guard.

  She crinkles her nose. “Yeah, I know. They’re awful.”

  “I never said they were awful.”

  She rolls her eyes like she doesn’t believe me. “Well, you have a dimple.”

  I poke my finger into my right cheek. “Wait, you say that like it’s a bad thing?”

  She sighs. “It’s not.”

  I lean toward her conspiratorially. “I’m a nice guy, and because I am, I’m going to give you a warning. If you look at it too long, you’ll be forever charmed.”

  “Oh, my God. Are you for real?”

  “Sadly yes,” I say, and she laughs with me. I glance around. “Where’s this friend you’re having drinks with? Is she going to hate me for keeping you captive with my dimple?”

  “Ah, nope.” She casts a sad glance at the door. “She kind of left with your friend.”

  Oh shit. “Ah, sorry about that.”

  “Yeah, that was Lindsay. My best friend.”

  “And now I’m responsible for you drinking by yourself?”

  “I’m done drinking. I have a shift tomorrow.” She glances around. “She’s safe with your friend, right?”

  “Absolutely. Kane is one of the good guys.”

  She nods. “Okay, so I really am curious. Do your lines only work only on women, or do they work on guys too?”

  I gesture for the bartender for two more sodas. “Want to find out?”

  “Sure. It’s not like I have anything better to do.”

  “Okay. What’s your type?”

  “You know, the typical, tall dark and handsome.” She holds her hand out. “I’m Jules, by the way. You should probably know that much if you’re going to be my wingman.”

  “Rider,” I say and take her soft hand in to mine. Damn, her hands are so tiny. Much like the rest of her. After a quick shake, I scan the bar. “What about that guy there?”

  “Too much hair gel,” she says. “If he moved in for a kiss, it might put my eye out.”

  I grin. “Okay, what about that one?”

  She crinkles her nose. “He hasn’t looked up from his phone all night.”

  “Yeah, he’d probably want you to send boob picture or something.” I eye her teasingly. “Wait, are you into that? Asking for a friend.”

  She laughs and whacks me. “No.”

  “What about him?” I spot a nice-looking guy—hey, I’m man enough to admit when a guy is good looking—cuts across the floor, his gaze locked on the bartender, and from the interest in his eyes, I’m not certain it’s a drink he wants from the man. Nothing wrong with that, but if she’s interested, it’s still not going to stop me from being a good wingman.

  “Yeah, he’s kind of cute.”

  I stand, and cut him off. “Hey, bud,” I begin. “I’ve got to get out of here.” I jerk my thumb toward Jules. “I don’t want to leave my friend Jules alone.” The dude looks around my shoulder to take in Jules as she twists on the stool. “We’re just friends because she’s not my type.”

  Recognition flashes in the guy’s eyes when they stray back to me. “Wait, aren’t you—?” he begins, and I cut him off by holding my hands in front of myself, like I’m about to cup two perfect breasts. I get it, he’s a fan, and while I’m always up for a picture or an autograph, I don’t want to switch gears right now. I realize I’m loved because of hockey, but I guess I just want to be me right now. Not that anyone loves that guy.

  “Her tits you know. They’re way too big. I’m a mouthful kind of guy.”

  Jules squeals in horror behind me, and I bite back a grin as the dude stares at me like I’m a serial killer trying to lure him to my basement with the help of my girlfriend. He gestures with a nod to the group of guys behind him. “Uh, yeah, I have to go.”

  Jules and I burst out laughing as he zig-zags through the crowd and meets up with his friends. They huddle and cast suspicious glances our way. Maybe it’s time for us to vacate the place. I reserve my fighting for the rink.

  Jules gives a slow shake of her head. “You’ve got no game, Rider.”

  “Hey, I’ve got game,” I say, feigning offense. “That guy was just more interested in the bartender. Let me try again,” I say, although oddly enough, I’ve lost the desire to hook her up with some random guy.

  She gives me a dubious look, stands, and shoves me. “Move aside, rookie. Let me show you how it’s done.” She scans the room. “What’s your type? And yeah, I get it. You don’t like big breasts.”

  “I never said that,” I counter as I try to judge the size of hers, but they’re hidden so well behind her scrubs I can’t tell. “I like all breasts.”

  She puckers her lips. “I bet you do.”

  “Yeah. I do,” I admit and she shakes her head. “What can I say? I’m honest to a fault.” When she rolls her eyes, I say, “I like women, Jules. Tall, short, thin, plump. You name it.”

  “Hair color?”

  I glance at her ponytail. “As long as I can tug it, it doesn’t matter what color it is.”

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, her lips part, and wait…was that a fast intake of breath I just heard? I study her closely, examine the fresh flush on her face. Funny, others might find her plain, but the more time I spend with her, the cuter I find those freckles, and the sexier I find everything about her—including her scrubs. I can’t even blame it on alcohol since I’m dry tonight. Yeah, okay, maybe Kane was right. I need to get laid more often.

  “Did I embarrass you?” I ask.

  “No,” she says, with a quick jerk of her head.

  I part
my legs on the stool and since I value my nuts, I resist the urge to pull her between them. “Then why are your cheeks red?”

  She lets out an exasperated breath. “Do you say everything that pops into your brain?”

  “Pretty much.” My gaze moves over her pretty pink cheeks. “Oh, wait, maybe you’re not embarrassed. Maybe you’re arous—”

  “So you don’t have a type,” she blurts out, cutting me off. “How about the one coming toward you right now. Twelve o’clock.”

  I look the pretty girl over. Perfect hair. Perfect makeup. Perfect clothes. “She seems very high maintenance.”

  “Yeah, I think you might be right.”

  “Hmmm, what about that one?” she says and I follow the direction she’s pointing.

  I give a slow shake of my head. “Nope, she’s downing her drinks like she fears there’s going to be an alcohol shortage.”

  “What about her friend?”

  I study her body language for a second. “See the way she’s scanning the place, her hands braced by her sides?”

  “Yeah,” she says.

  “I’m pretty sure she fears we’re about to face a zombie apocalypse.”

  Jules laughs out loud and when it dies off, she says, “What about the one coming right at you.”

  I reluctantly tear my gaze from Jules and make eye contact with the blonde. I stiffen. Shit. I know where this is going, and I’m not in the mood—not when I’ve been having a good time here.

  “What’s wrong?” Jules asks.

  “Nothing,” I lie.

  “I thought that was you, Rider,” the girl says, and puts her hands on my chest as she juts one hip out in a suggestive manner.