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Big Catch (Dossier series) Page 9

  I follow Aly into her bedroom. She hasn’t been sleeping in there since that first night, but she’s yet to move her suitcase. Maybe that’s her way of keeping a modicum of distance—a reminder that this is an affair.

  I want more, goddammit.

  “Where are we going?” she asks and puts her hands on her hips.

  “To Pearls.”


  “Night club.”

  “Oh. What should I wear?”

  I glance into her suitcase and pull out a dress. “This and nothing else.”

  Her eyes go wide. “You can’t be serious.”

  “As serious as a heart attack,” I say, and her face flushes. I push her hair back and put my mouth near her ear. “We still owe you a few more orgasms, and like I said, anywhere, anytime.” Her entire body trembles, and I grin as I drop a kiss onto her mouth. “You got to touch us today. Tonight, it’s our turn. Anything we want.”

  I leave her to dress and go to my room to pull on a T-shirt and a dry pair of jeans. When I come back out, I find Ty with his arm around her, leading her downstairs. We hop in the van, and I slow and wave as we pass Mrs. Jackson. A few minutes later, I park and we make our way into the dimly lit club, packed with locals and tourists alike.

  I put my mouth near Aly’s ear and ask, “Drink?” She nods. “Local beer?”

  “I love anything local,” she says and flashes her lashes at me the same way Josie had that day in the van.

  I grin and look at Ty. “Grab us a booth if you can find one.”

  I watch them disappear into the crowd and push through the throng to make my way to the bar. I spot Jennie, who is glaring at Ty.

  She comes up to me. “Who is she, anyway?”

  “A girl I knew back in Manhattan,” I say and gesture the bartender for three beers. Not really a lie. I did meet her back in Manhattan.

  She pouts. “Ty seems to really like her.”

  We both do.

  “Yeah,” is all I say as my throat goes tight.

  “When does she go back?”

  Never. Or at least I hope never.

  I slide my money across the bar when the bartender hands me three bottles of beer. “Why all the questions, Jennie?”

  “Just wondering when I’m going to have you guys back in my bed.”

  “We had some fun Jennie, but I’m out. You know that.”

  “And Ty?”

  “I guess that’s a question for him.”

  I turn and walk to the booth Ty had secured. He’s so focused on Aly, there’s no way he could have seen the exchange between Jennie and me. “Try this,” I say to Aly.

  She puts the bottle to her mouth and takes a long pull. Her eyes light up. “This is so good.”

  “It’s made here in Antigua.”

  She takes another drink, and I swallow half the contents of mine in one gulp. The music blares around us, the smell of perfumes lingering in the air, and all I can think about is holding her against my body. Fuck, I was prepared to have sex with her, sate a long-time need, but I wasn’t prepared for her, or what she’d do to Tyler and me.

  “Dance?” I ask.

  Even in the dim light I catch the flush on her cheeks. She nods, eager to try anything once with us. Damned if I don’t love that about her.

  The dance floor is crowded, bodies pressing against bodies. I sway with her for a moment then back her up until she’s pressed against the wall in the hallway near the storage closet. Her breathing is deep, choppy.

  “Bray,” she whispers.

  “Yeah, sweetness?”

  “What are you doing?”

  Ty steps in behind me. “Trust us?”

  “Absolutely,” she says without hesitation, and my heart swells at the trust this woman has put in our hands. How the fuck can I let her walk away from here, from us. But how can there be a long-term us, especially if Ty wants her all to himself?

  I hike her skirt up a bit and slide a hand between her legs. When I find her wet, so fucking wet, it nearly shuts my brain down. “Look at you. You can’t wait for me to fuck you against this wall, can you?”

  “No,” she says honestly, and I press my lips to hers for a deep kiss. “It’s all I’ve been able to think about.”

  I unzip my pants just enough to get my dick out, slide on a condom, and position myself between her legs. “Hang on,” I whisper. As her hands go around my neck, I piston forward and drive all the way inside her. Ty stands in the empty hallway with his back to mine. Yeah, we want to take her in public—something that clearly turns her on—but we also want to protect her, too.

  I pound into her, long hard thrusts that slam her against the wall. She scratches at me, bites at my neck as I own her, possess her completely. She gives a small cry, her hot juice singeing my cock as I bring her to orgasm. Hunger urging me on, I seat myself high inside but can’t seem to get deep enough. Ty’s back touches mine, and my heart slams with the things I feel for him, for Aly. I love them both so fucking much. I breathe deep and struggle to get control over myself. She presses her lips to my neck, her hot breath fragmenting my thoughts until I can only feel. My dick throbs, my balls draw up, and I let go high inside her.

  “Fuck,” I whisper and find her mouth. I hold her to me for a long time, never wanting to let her go, but when I feel Ty moving, I fix her dress and drop a soft kiss onto her mouth. “You good?”

  “Yes,” she says. “That was amazing.”


  “Yes, please.”

  I tuck my dick back into my pants, condom still intact. I’ll get rid of it in the bathroom when we’re done here. I switch positions with Ty, and when I look down the hall and glimpse Jennie on the dance floor looking in all directions—for Ty, no doubt—my stomach clenches, coils tight, and my heart crashes against my rib cage, making it harder and harder for me to breathe. Ty doesn’t want her. He wants Aly. By rights—because I want them both happy—I need to back the fuck off already.


  Chapter Eight


  In less than twenty-four hours I’ll be boarding a plane back to New York. My glorious time with these two men is almost over. Not that I’ve seen a whole lot of them over the last two days. Yes, they have new vacationers to attend to, but in my gut, I know there is more going on here. Are they distancing themselves because it’s their way of breaking the connection? Their way of telling me it’s over?

  I’ve grown so much as a person, learned so much about myself and my needs and what I want in life. The truth is I’m so far from home but I’ve never felt such a sense of belonging. No matter what choices I make, in my parents’ eyes I can’t do anything right. But with Bray and Ty, I can’t do anything wrong. They encourage me to be me, do what makes me happy.

  I finish putting the last of the dishes away and glance out the kitchen window. When it comes right down to it, I want to set up a practice here, in a place where I feel like I can make a difference. Maybe I should talk to the guys, see if perhaps we could have something more permanent. The truth is I’m in love with them. I know we’ve all grown close, but is it possible they feel the same way about me? I know a trio is unorthodox, but, well…who really cares?

  Maybe they do?

  Why else would they be pulling away from me? Unease moves through my veins once again, and I turn when I hear a noise at the door. My heart drops into my stomach when I see the pretty brunette who’d been all over Ty the other day.

  “Have you been having fun playing house?” she asks as she saunters in and pulls a chair out, like she’s very comfortable in the villa.

  I press my back against the counter. “Excuse me?”

  The girl laughs and says, “I’m Jennie by the way. The girl they used to play with before you, and will again when you leave.”


  “What?” she says, laughing. “Did you think you were the first girl they shared?”


  “You’re not the first, and you cer
tainly won’t be the last.” She waves her hand. “They do this kind of thing with their guests all the time.”

  I look down. While I suspected they had shared women in the past, it didn’t seem like something they did on a regular basis. Actually, I thought we had something special growing between us, a deeper bond than just sex. Was I totally wrong?

  You’re a hit it and quit it kind of girl.

  A knot clogs my throat, making it near impossible to talk.

  “Oh, sweetie,” she says. “I hope you didn’t go and fall for them. Those two, they’re not looking for long term.”

  As her words ping around inside my brain, all my insecurities come rushing to the surface. God, what a fool I’ve been to think they might want me around longer, might want to invest in something deeper.

  Jennie snaps her fingers. “As soon as you step out that door, they’ll be back in my bed, or with the next flavor of the month that rents a room.”

  Apprehension surges inside me, but I quickly pull myself together, refusing to let Jennie see me come undone.

  “Where are they, anyway?” she asks.

  They’ve been making themselves scarce.

  As she glances around, I take in the nervous look in her eyes, the way her lashes are blinking rapidly, her chest rising and falling. Oh my God. Jennie isn’t here looking for the guys. She’s here because she’s threatened by me. Why?

  I take a moment to chew on that. Maybe the guys do want me around longer. Maybe she senses that, and is trying to scare me off.

  “Well, I’m not gone yet,” I say. “So, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go find my men and see what kind of trouble we can all get ourselves into.”

  Jennie’s mouth drops open, and I walk past her, pretending to be much more confident than I feel. I need to know where I stand, and I need to know before I get on a plane and it’s too late. This started out as a two-week fling. I knew the score going in and wasn’t supposed to fall for these incredible men. I pray to God they want more, but if not, then I have to find a way to be happy with the two weeks I did have, and the way I changed beneath their caring hands.

  I make my way upstairs, my legs trembling as I approach Ty’s bedroom. Curse words reach my ears as I close the distance. I stop outside the slightly ajar door and go still when I hear my name. I look through the crack to see Bray pacing the floor and running his hands through his hair. Oh, God! They’re fighting because of me. The last thing I ever wanted to do was come between friends. I listen as they talk, their voices deep, insistent. My heart thunders, and I’m about to burst in when something Bray says stops me.

  “I see the way she looks at you,” Bray says. “It’s you she wants, so that’s why I’ve been backing off.”

  “No, Bray. It’s you. That’s why I’ve been backing off. Christ, even if it were me she wanted, you know what’s mine is yours, right?”

  “Same, Ty, but we can’t keep living as a trio. She’s the kind of girl who will want a family, kids. This will all just get complicated.”

  “Then we’ll uncomplicate it, and she can have what she wants with both of us,” he says, his voice rising.

  I’ve never seen Ty so adamant.

  “I don’t think that’s what she’d want long term. Besides, she comes from a strict family. I can’t imagine they would ever go for that.”

  “Fuck her family.”

  “Ty, it’s not that easy for her.” Bray paces the floor and fists his hair. “I want her to be happy, and I know you’ll make her happy.”

  “You fucking love her, too, Bray. You think I’m just going to keep her all to myself when I know how you feel? Not fucking likely.”

  “I can’t keep her to myself, either, knowing how you feel.”

  “Then we’re a trio. Simple as that,” he states, like it’s the end of the discussion.

  “Fuck, Ty. It’s not as simple as that. We have her reputation to think about, and I wouldn’t want to do anything to come between her and her family. You know what family means to me.”

  I push the door open hard. It hits the wall with a loud bang, and two sets of eyes turn my way. I plant my hands on my hips, enraged at what I’ve heard—but so freaking happy, I feel like I could soar to the moon.

  “Aly,” Bray says, coming toward me, but I hold my hand up to stop him.


  “Listen, we didn’t—” Ty begins, but when I turn my glare on him he clamps his mouth shut.

  “What makes you both think you know what’s best for me?” When neither speaks, I narrow my eyes and glare at Bray. “Didn’t you once tell me that I should make my own decisions? Do what makes me happy?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Then why are you two arguing over who I should wake up to each morning? Shouldn’t that be my decision?”

  Bray lets loose a long, tortured breath. “I just want you to be happy, Aly.”

  My heart thunders, and while I love them for what they’re trying to do, I’ve learned that I’m a big girl who can make her own decisions. It’s time they knew it, and time my family back home understood as well.

  “And you think that is waking up to Ty each morning?” I ask Bray.


  “Well, you’re right about that,” I say. “I do want to wake up to Ty each morning.”

  He nods and tears his gaze away, but not before I see the love and hurt shining in his eyes. God, I love him so much. He’s a kind, sweet man so full of integrity he is willing to back off for the woman and man he loves. I don’t know any other man who’d be willing to sacrifice his own happiness for another.

  I turn to Ty, who is tugging on his hair. “Aly,” he begins clearly fighting an internal war. He loves Bray as much as he loves me, and wouldn’t do anything to hurt his best friend. I love him so much for that.

  I look back at Bray. “But I also want to wake up to you to, Bray,” I say, my voice softening. “I want you both.”

  Bray’s throat works as he swallow, the tension in his face melting as his gaze meets mine. “Aly,” he whispers, his voice a little rough, raspy with emotion.

  “I love you both.”

  “What about your family? Believe me, I know how precious family is. Yours put pressure on you because they care. I grew up with a shitty father and would have given everything to have someone care about me like that. I wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize your relationship with your parents or your brother.”

  My heart squeezes so tight, it’s impossible to breathe. “I love that you’re worried about that, Bray. I really do. But I’m in control of my life, not them. You boys taught me that.” I hold my hand out to him. “You know what else?” He shakes his head. “You’re going to finally have that family of your own. Me and Ty. We love you and care about you. We’re going to be the family you always wanted.” I look at Ty. “And you’re right, Ty. If it gets complicated, we’ll uncomplicate it.” My gaze slides to Bray, and I say the words he once used on me. “Then again, nothing in Antigua is complicated, right?”

  Bray closes the distance between us. He grips my chin and brushes his thumb over my bottom lip. “Aly,” he chokes out, his voice gruff. “Jesus, Aly, I love you. You have no idea what this means to me.”

  It’s all I can do to hold my own against him as my entire body weakens, wanting to be possess by him—by them both.

  “You can show me later,” I tease. His warm eyes move over my face, and I go up on my toes to kiss him. “I want to stay here with you both, and I want to set up a practice where I’m needed.”

  I hold my hand out to Ty. He rises from the bed and comes to us. “Sorry, Aly. We shouldn’t have been making any decisions for you. You’re right—you are in control of your own life. And just for the record, I love the fuck out of you, too.” He swallows, and warmth enters his eyes. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you want to stay with us both. We promise to always make you happy, let you make your own decisions.”

  “Well, not really,” Bray says, and I ta
ke in his teasing grin. “Some decisions we’ll make for you.”

  “Excuse me?” I say.

  The blue in his eyes deepens. “When it comes to the bedroom, control is ours.”

  “Yeah,” Ty says, playing along with Bray—as always—while he moves in behind me, his hot mouth going to my neck. “When you’re between those sheets, we do what we want, when we want, how we want. Now, tell us you’re ours. I want to hear it again.”

  “I’m yours. You’re both who I want to fall into bed with each night and wake up to each morning.”

  Ty glances at the light shining through the open curtains. “It’s not quite night time, but I’m good with getting an early start on things.”

  Bray picks me up, carries me to the bed, and sets me down gently. I take in the intensity on his face, all playfulness gone.

  “Hands and knees. Now,” he orders. My insides take flight, never happier in my life as I look at the man in front of me. Bray might be all gorgeous muscle, a carnal predator, and while we may play hard in the bedroom, deep inside, these are gentle men who take great care with my body. “I want that pretty mouth of yours to own my cock.”

  “I want that too,” I say, his dirty words urging me on, and he groans in delight. I flip over, and as I assume the position he wants me in, I look at these two amazing men who will fight and sacrifice for each other, all in the quest of making me happy. As I take them in, I know I’ve won the man lottery, the big catch of the day. Not once, but twice.


  Six months later…

  “Be sure to say ‘hi’ to Jacob for me. Hopefully he’ll be around next time we Skype,” I say to Mom and Dad before I hit the disconnect button. I stare at my computer screen, happiness welling up inside me that Mom and Dad have finally come to accept me for who I am and what I really want to do in life. It wasn’t easy at first—in fact they were mortified to learn I wasn’t coming back and had moved in with two men who I love and who love me back just as fiercely. But with Bray and Ty by my side, I stood my ground and held my own, and they eventually softened. They’re even talking about coming to visit us in a few months.